Saturday, February 03, 2007

Looking towards the future....

I hope everyone is enjoying working on their Forest Path Stoles!

It's so nice to see the diversity of choices everyone has made for themselves yet it's more than cool to know that almost 50 (woot!) knitters from around the globe are working on the very same project at the very same time....the miracle of the Internet and proof of how small our world really is!

Yikes, all the Nyquil has me waxing poetic :)

Agnes and I have an announcement for the future. Because the FPS is a rather long term project we thought it would make things easier to posts updates with a schedule.

Starting next week, Agnes will post updates for her group every Tuesday and I will post updates for my group every Thursday.

This will enable each group to anticipate our updates and post to your blogs/and or contact your hostess accordingly. Plus there will be enough activity on this blog to keep everyone's interest without any pressure to meet "deadlines" of posting daily.

So I hope everyone has a great weekend full of even stitches and smooth needles! See ya next Tuesday!

PS - thanks for all the well - wishes, I plan on nothing but sleep, tea, chicken soup and Nyquil all weekend, with maybe a stitch or two thrown in!


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, I'm the other Melissa from Long Island, NY. I started FPS three times before I was happy with it. I'm just now finishing up the final diamond on Tier 1. I'm not using the frog hair yarns I've seen here though. I'm using my own handspun yarn. Check my blog for more info. Baggywrinkle

Crunchy said...

I have two HELP questions! One-someone suggested a VERy loose cast on. Do you think that casting on using a size bigger needle gives a loose enough cast on for this shawl? I haven't done lace before, so I started knitty's "Branching Out" and after 6 tries to cast on loosely, I gave up and used a size 8 needle to cast on and am knitting with a size 7. It seems that edge is plenty loose, but not sure about the FPS.
AND where can I get a GOOD lace weight in pure white? I found out that a neice of mine is getting married in November and I want to make her the FPS . I asked her if I made something for her, did she want color or white and she was QUITe emphatic, she wants PURE white for everything. I am awaiting QUITe impatiently for my Maple Leaf to arrive!