Dear fellow knitalongers, this week's update will be interrupted for a little announcement. Debi and I had a little chit-chat and we agreed that now is the time for a little streamlining and re-organizing of the participants list.
We are planning to re-organize the participants into those who have finished (and give the link to the blog posts or photos), those who are still working on the project, and finally those who have decided to put the project on hold or decided the FPS is not for you (but wish to stay involved as our cheering squad). There are also a number of you from whom we haven't heard since the start of the KAL and/or there have been no updates or mention of your progress on the FPS on your blogs. We really would like to know what it is that you are planning to do so we can update accordingly.
So, except those who have finished, all of you please contact either Debi or I as to your plan for the FPS project by next week, Friday June 8.
Lastly, I have created a Flickr group for our KAL where you can send your photos. I will soon send out invitations to you all via your email addresses. To those of you in Debi's group, unfortunately she lost all your email addresses in her recent computer crash so she asks if you will all be kind enough to email HER with your current addresses. In addition, if any member has changed email addresses since February, please let your group leader know.
We hope the new arrangements will keep the group going strong and be more interesting and encouraging for everyone. YAY!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
It's so quiet I can almost hear a pin drop!
The update pickin's are mighty slim around these parts these days!!
No pics from Laura but she's made her peace with the nupp, in fact she actually kinda likes them!!! What's brought new happiness to her knit life? She learned to knit backwards!! WOOT! Go visit her blog for a cool video that will teach you too!
Valerie finished last week but we're still waiting on that modeled shot grrlfriend!
The only other posters who even *mentioned* the FPS are Opal, Rebekah, and me! We three have acknowledged our struggle to finish but we haven't given up the ghost yet! We'll see what next week brings!
So can you guys over in Agnes' group spare some of your enthusiasm for us? Please? :)
No pics from Laura but she's made her peace with the nupp, in fact she actually kinda likes them!!! What's brought new happiness to her knit life? She learned to knit backwards!! WOOT! Go visit her blog for a cool video that will teach you too!
Valerie finished last week but we're still waiting on that modeled shot grrlfriend!
The only other posters who even *mentioned* the FPS are Opal, Rebekah, and me! We three have acknowledged our struggle to finish but we haven't given up the ghost yet! We'll see what next week brings!
So can you guys over in Agnes' group spare some of your enthusiasm for us? Please? :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hiya! Time flies and boom! Memorial Day is around the corner! Scary, huh? Okay, so let's not waste time and start this week's update.
First, let's come and admire Katherine's beautiful long white stole:

Exciting exciting ... Katherine told me it was about 150 cm long. I guess she is getting real close to the end, right? Well, Gail is another excited one ... she just has 2 more tiers to go. She promised to have a photo once it's done. Besides, there have been people expressing interest in her project and she would use hers as a sample for her class. :)
Denise is a frequent traveller. Before setting off to her son's graduation, she sent this in:
She was having second thought about the yarn as the lace was not as well-defined as she wanted it to be. Luckily, she blocked the 5 tiers and was very happy with it ... so now she can continue happily with the project.
Though feeling a bit bored at the moment, Dorothy thought she may try to make it to the full 23 tiers. Right now she is on Tier 14:
If you like large stole, make the full 23 tiers, Dorothy ... you won't regret it. I love my full length stole!
Due to various issues in her life, Heather has to put the FPS on hold. And let's all wish Kathy good luck with the 3rd time casting on.
First, let's come and admire Katherine's beautiful long white stole:

Denise is a frequent traveller. Before setting off to her son's graduation, she sent this in:
Though feeling a bit bored at the moment, Dorothy thought she may try to make it to the full 23 tiers. Right now she is on Tier 14:

Due to various issues in her life, Heather has to put the FPS on hold. And let's all wish Kathy good luck with the 3rd time casting on.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
This week's sole representative.....
Only one member of our group (including me) had any updates this week.
Our sole update is from Valerie and what a fine representative she is cause she's FINISHED!!
Just LOOK at this beauty....

And the money shot...

Well done Valerie!! It's truly lovely!
And now for a bit of comic relief to make up for the skimpy update, have a gander at this little guy....

Do you think he uses mousse or gel for those ear tufts? :)
Our sole update is from Valerie and what a fine representative she is cause she's FINISHED!!
Just LOOK at this beauty....

Well done Valerie!! It's truly lovely!
And now for a bit of comic relief to make up for the skimpy update, have a gander at this little guy....

Do you think he uses mousse or gel for those ear tufts? :)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It continues to be pretty quiet ... but hey, we have a fresh FO this week:
This is Katrina wearing her second FPS. Isn't the pink stole gorgeous?
Cheryl and Dawn are getting closer to the end. Dawn has completed Tier 12 and finally decided to switch to bamboo circular needles ... which made the knitting a lot easier for her. She has also decided to make the full 23 tiers. Cheryl is on Tier 17. One advice from her is that one should try not to get too complacent with FPS, otherwise one would make "bonehead mistakes" ... you can read about her experience here.
Both Denise and Barbara are on Tier 4 now. But Barbara has loads of birthday gifts to make before May 23rd, so I guess she would have to put down the lace for a while. Denise is still having some hiccups with the Lily of the Valley pattern ... and the turbulance on the plane certainly didn't help! But hang on, Denise, hang on!
Before I call it a day for this week's update, please go over to Alison's ... she has just finished the beautiful Lace Skirt from the latest Vogue Knitting! I love that Regia Silk pink!
Cheryl and Dawn are getting closer to the end. Dawn has completed Tier 12 and finally decided to switch to bamboo circular needles ... which made the knitting a lot easier for her. She has also decided to make the full 23 tiers. Cheryl is on Tier 17. One advice from her is that one should try not to get too complacent with FPS, otherwise one would make "bonehead mistakes" ... you can read about her experience here.
Both Denise and Barbara are on Tier 4 now. But Barbara has loads of birthday gifts to make before May 23rd, so I guess she would have to put down the lace for a while. Denise is still having some hiccups with the Lily of the Valley pattern ... and the turbulance on the plane certainly didn't help! But hang on, Denise, hang on!
Before I call it a day for this week's update, please go over to Alison's ... she has just finished the beautiful Lace Skirt from the latest Vogue Knitting! I love that Regia Silk pink!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
So quiet around here I can hear the tumbleweeds tumble!
It's been a quiet week for updates in these parts!
I've been concentrating on some deadline gift knitting so again this week my FPS has gone untouched and unloved. I'm almost finished with my gifts so I *promise* to have an FPS update next week from Chez FKD!
Leslie has decided the time isn't right for her Forest Path Stole. She was just stressing too much and above all, knitting should be FUN! Leslie loves the pattern and her yarn is yummy so perhaps she'll come back to it someday...or not :)
Even tho she wont be knitting the FPS, she'll still be hanging with us to cheer us on!
Yay for Rebekah, she's our only progress reporter this week!! Look at her lovely gray stole....

Rebekah's made it to tier 5 and it's shaping up to be a beauty! Go Rebekah, go!
Have a great week and show your FPS some love!
I've been concentrating on some deadline gift knitting so again this week my FPS has gone untouched and unloved. I'm almost finished with my gifts so I *promise* to have an FPS update next week from Chez FKD!
Leslie has decided the time isn't right for her Forest Path Stole. She was just stressing too much and above all, knitting should be FUN! Leslie loves the pattern and her yarn is yummy so perhaps she'll come back to it someday...or not :)
Even tho she wont be knitting the FPS, she'll still be hanging with us to cheer us on!
Yay for Rebekah, she's our only progress reporter this week!! Look at her lovely gray stole....

Rebekah's made it to tier 5 and it's shaping up to be a beauty! Go Rebekah, go!
Have a great week and show your FPS some love!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Sure the warm weather is here ... are your hands clammy? Mine certainly were yesterday ... the mercury hit 90F! So, it's the best time to put the wool down and work on some delicate lace. :)
And that was what Barbara did. She finally had her FPS started in Zephyr Aegean Blue ... this is a beautiful colour, isn't it?
After making to Tier 3, she thought she finally overcome her fear of entrelac and start to enjoy the knitting.
After 63 hours, Cheryl completed 13 tiers and started to wonder if the stole would become too big if she made the whole 23 tiers.
Well, I didn't take the measurements before the blocking, but my impression was that the blocking didn't enlarge the stole a lot ... Polly thought this might be due to the seed stitch borders which don't stretch as much.
Remember Colette was working on her own lace design? Well, Merilyn's stole was well and finished ... she has a special meaning for Colette ... go see her beauty and read about it.
Last but definitely not the least, Janine and her dancing daughter are taking part in Race for Life, a fund-raising run for cancer research in UK, on May 28. Would you be able to spare a hank of yarn's worth and sponsor her for this worthwhile cause? If so, please click here. Thank you very much.
And that was what Barbara did. She finally had her FPS started in Zephyr Aegean Blue ... this is a beautiful colour, isn't it?
After 63 hours, Cheryl completed 13 tiers and started to wonder if the stole would become too big if she made the whole 23 tiers.

Remember Colette was working on her own lace design? Well, Merilyn's stole was well and finished ... she has a special meaning for Colette ... go see her beauty and read about it.
Last but definitely not the least, Janine and her dancing daughter are taking part in Race for Life, a fund-raising run for cancer research in UK, on May 28. Would you be able to spare a hank of yarn's worth and sponsor her for this worthwhile cause? If so, please click here. Thank you very much.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Makin' up for lost time!
Sorry I missed my last 2 updates (thanks for filling in Agnes!) Hopefully my computer will cooperate for this week's update so here goes....
No news here on the FKD front. My 5th tier completed FPS is in a time out. My one and only niece turns 18 as well as graduates from high school in mid June so I'm concentrating on knitting a few things for her. Once I'm done, I'll get back to my FPS because once I get in "the zone", I do enjoy knitting her and I know she'll be a beauty when she's done.
Altho there are still some things that drive her crazy, Laura's made her peace with her FPS and she's feeling the "not hate"! Look at her beautiful first 2 tiers....
And go read her funny post about her love/hate relationship with her stole!
Peggy's made it to tier 19 but ya gotta show us some pictures grrl!! We need the visuals!
Our resident green thumb gal, Polly has both a garden and an FPS that's growing like crazy! just have a look at this...
Her stunning black FPS has grown to tier 14 - almost there grrl, keep on growing!
Still waitin' on those pics you promised me Rebekah!!
Look at this green beauty....
Despite her busy theater schedule, Valerie has made a ton of progress! Look, she's made it to the border! It's stunning Valerie, can't wait to see the pre-Gala modeling shot!
Thus ends another update - you all are so inspiring! Have a great week everyone!
No news here on the FKD front. My 5th tier completed FPS is in a time out. My one and only niece turns 18 as well as graduates from high school in mid June so I'm concentrating on knitting a few things for her. Once I'm done, I'll get back to my FPS because once I get in "the zone", I do enjoy knitting her and I know she'll be a beauty when she's done.
Altho there are still some things that drive her crazy, Laura's made her peace with her FPS and she's feeling the "not hate"! Look at her beautiful first 2 tiers....

Peggy's made it to tier 19 but ya gotta show us some pictures grrl!! We need the visuals!
Our resident green thumb gal, Polly has both a garden and an FPS that's growing like crazy! just have a look at this...

Still waitin' on those pics you promised me Rebekah!!
Look at this green beauty....

Thus ends another update - you all are so inspiring! Have a great week everyone!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Are you ready for some updates? Here you go:
A few of you were going on trips. Dorothy just returned from vacation and hopefully, she'll give us some updates on her blog soon. Denise is attending her sister's wedding in Florida ... we'll see how much she could have done on the plane. Despite being tricked by the "not-shown-on-the-chart" selvage stitches, she managed to make it to Tier 2 before leaving for Florida. Well done, well done, Denise. And this is the most exciting of all, though not really related to the FPS project ... Kathy is having a blast with knitters from all over the world on the Sea Socks Cruise. This morning I read her blog and found that the cruise stopped at San Francisco for the day! Oooooh ... I am so jealous! :D
Katrina has finished all the tiers and will embark on the borders ... which she wondered why took so long. Well, Katrina, it actually was a lot shorter than I first expected ... so, keep going ... I'm sure we'll see your FO soon.
Katherine is now on Tier 17 and she is determined to have 2 more done before next week's update. That's a reasonable goal, Katherine.
I guess Cheryl is the most detailed among us ... she is keeping tab on the hours spent on the project! She has worked 31 hours on the stole and is on Tier 7 now.
A few of you were going on trips. Dorothy just returned from vacation and hopefully, she'll give us some updates on her blog soon. Denise is attending her sister's wedding in Florida ... we'll see how much she could have done on the plane. Despite being tricked by the "not-shown-on-the-chart" selvage stitches, she managed to make it to Tier 2 before leaving for Florida. Well done, well done, Denise. And this is the most exciting of all, though not really related to the FPS project ... Kathy is having a blast with knitters from all over the world on the Sea Socks Cruise. This morning I read her blog and found that the cruise stopped at San Francisco for the day! Oooooh ... I am so jealous! :D
Katrina has finished all the tiers and will embark on the borders ... which she wondered why took so long. Well, Katrina, it actually was a lot shorter than I first expected ... so, keep going ... I'm sure we'll see your FO soon.
Katherine is now on Tier 17 and she is determined to have 2 more done before next week's update. That's a reasonable goal, Katherine.
Heather found that she made a little calculating mistake. Instead of one-third, she is one-fourth done. Well, no matter how much, her stole is looking gorgeous:
I guess Cheryl is the most detailed among us ... she is keeping tab on the hours spent on the project! She has worked 31 hours on the stole and is on Tier 7 now.
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