Hello everyone. I think I'll save the small talk (which I am not very good at, BTW) and dive right into the updates, what do you say?
Dawn's FPS was off the needle! All she needs are some spare time and spare floor space for the blocking.

Denise has been spending some quality time with her FPS on the beach:

She is getting really really close to finishing up with the border. Go, Denise, go!
Heather has the latest picture of her beautiful Campfire Heather FPS:

The colour changes in
Micky's FPS still amazes me:

She is starting Tier 4 now.
Wendy is determined not to start the FPS until after she has 2 UFOs finished, but she is planning to use Jade Sapphire Lacey Lamb in Champagne.
That's about it for this update. Now you can go and enjoy the sun and warmth while the day is still long. Wish you all a wonderful Labour Day Weekend.